Prayer and Care
Daughters of the King
Daughters of the King (DOK) is an international religious order for Episcopal women who strive to fulfill their baptismal covenant through prayer, service, and evangelism, and help strengthen the spiritual life of the parish. The Daughters meet on the third Sunday of each month at noon.
Junior Daughters of the King
Junior Daughters of the King (JDOK) is an international religious order for young girls, ages seven through 21, who strive to fulfill their baptismal covenant through prayer, service, and evangelism, and help strengthen the spiritual life of the parish. The Junior Daughters meet on the third Sunday of each month.
Lord of the Streets
Lord of the Streets (LOTS) is an outreach organization of the Diocese of Texas that provides for the spiritual, emotional, physical, and social needs of the homeless. Volunteers participate in cooking and serving breakfast and providing sack lunches for those in need. Our congregation serves one Sunday every quarter, meeting at the church at 5:15 a.m. to carpool downtown.
Prayer Blankets
Members prayerfully make lap blankets which are taken to patients at local hospitals as well as to the sick in the congregation.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is a group of volunteer lay chaplains guided by Benedictine spirituality and prayer. This ministry serves those who are in hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, and the homebound by providing a listening, supportive presence. Members must complete a twelve-week training program.
Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain sends prayer requests through email to members of its group. Members of the chain confidentially intercede in prayer as requested.